Payment Policy

Payment Method

In order to protect the transaction security of both buyers and sellers, PayPal checkout is accepted for shopping packing machine(s) and/or part(s) online at VKPAK Store. In our brick-and-mortar stores (including retail and outlet stores), accepted payment methods may include cash, gift cards, credit cards, prepaid cards, debit cards or mobile payments.

PayPal (Online)

PayPal is an online payment system that makes paying for things online and sending and receiving money safe and secure.

When you link your bank account, credit card or debit card to your PayPal account, you can use PayPal to make purchases online at VKPAK Store. PayPal serves as a middleman between your bank and merchants and keeps your payment information secure.

Your PayPal account balance is the first payment method that we use when you make a payment.

You can pay with a credit or debit card if you don’t have enough money in your PayPal account balance.

• Real-time payments.

• Multi-currency support.


All prices provided are in USD (US Dollars). Prices are subject to change without prior notice, but once an order is confirmed, the price will remain fixed.

Shipping Costs

Our shipping rates are typically depend on the total amount of your order. The shipping cost will be displayed on the checkout page, and we will arrange the best carrier for you. The packing machine(s) and/or part(s) will be adequately packaged to ensure safe transportation. If you want to specify the shipping method and carrier, or your machine exceeds the specified width and height, please contact your sales manager in advance to determine the final shipping cost.